On October 1, 2023, the FIFA Football Agent Regulations came into effect, defining new rules for the operation of football agents. With the introduction of these regulations, the provisions regarding transaction intermediaries will no longer apply. Existing transaction intermediaries who do not obtain the FIFA license will not be authorized to provide agent services in the international market. A fundamental aspect of the new regulations for agents is an exam conducted by FIFA, passing which is an absolute requirement for obtaining the license. Without meeting this requirement, intermediation in transactions related to international transfers will not be possible. The obtained license is indefinite and authorizes the provision of agent services worldwide.
Key Changes in the Regulations for Agents:
- The license allows for global operation, eliminating the need for separate credentials in each individual country.
- Regulation of the duration of representation agreements.
- Precise determination of the agent’s commission rate.
- Specification of payment terms for the agent’s commission.
- Limitation of double representation practices.
- Regulation of agreements representing players under 18 (U18).
- Provision for the termination of a representation agreement for significant reasons.
- Increased transparency and clarity in the agent’s operations concerning the player.
- Implementation of a mandatory training system for agents to maintain the validity of their license.
- Introduction of an informational requirement for agents: before entering into or amending an agreement, the agent must:
- provide written notice to the player that they should consider seeking independent legal advice regarding the agreement,
- obtain written confirmation from the player whether they have sought such legal advice or chosen not to.
An important piece of information is that Rafał Kaszyński, an advocate and partner at MTL Kaszyńscy and Wspólnicy Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni, has been among the select 42 individuals from Poland who achieved a positive result in the first April examination session. Therefore, starting from October 1, 2023, he will be authorized to provide football agent services under a license issued by FIFA. We invite you to collaborate!